
I actually realised that I've been confronted pretty much conditions, but not yet enough for me to give advise to others. In order to be an experienced person, we can not actually just sitting back and study all the time. In fact, we have to get into the community and get yourselves involve in all the conditions. By involving yourselves, you can actually feel the priceless knowledge, wisdom.

All these years, I am chasing the worthless BB badges or high achievements in everything. Somehow, a massage from nowhere told me that it is possible for you to get the results, but that particular result will not contain any experience, knowledge nor wisdom. The most important fact is that do not aim for the achievements. I'm not saying that all those are bad for us, but they present as a reward for us if we are able to achieve the goal.

On the other hand, I think that I have no worries although there still so much for me to worry about! I have peace in spiritual...Thinking that I'm growing up...so with others...Is my routine going to change? Or me is the one who changes others? Wondering~What am I suppose to target after PMR besides SPM? Are there somekind of challenges waiting for me? Definitely yes!

It's all depends on God's plan...Just obey...

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